An introduction to the processing of X-ray images for beginners

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Single crystal X-ray diffraction is the method that is currently considered to be the most popular for accurately determining the structure of molecules

Single crystal X-ray diffraction is the method that is currently considered to be the most popular for accurately determining the structure of molecules. This method can be applied to samples in both biology and chemistry that contain anywhere from a few to many thousands of atoms. The scientist will have conducted practical experiments up until this point, but after this, everything will be purely computational, and each step can be repeated ad nauseam using various programs. Due to the fact that data collection is the very last experimental step in the process, it is extremely important to put a lot of thought, time, and effort into obtaining the very best diffraction data that is possible.


Even though the processing of data is performed automatically at the majority of synchrotrons, and even though the scientist is given the information necessary for structure solution, it can still be helpful to know what the various stages are and what they actually do. inThe process of integration can be broken down into four distinct steps, whereas scaling and merging are more commonly thought of as a single step. The scaling and merging step is the one that provides the most useful statistics about the quality of both data collection and data processing. This is because it is the step that comes after the integration step, which gives a lot of useful information.

A few words on crystals and the diffraction phenomenon


When a crystal is illuminated by radiation with a wavelength that is approximately the same as the dimensions of the unit cell (actually, within a few orders of magnitude; X-rays with a wavelength of 0.


  • There are seven different crystal systems, but there may be an additional, purely translational symmetry in the unit cell known as "centring" (the absence of centring results in a "primitive" unit cell)

  • This results in 14 different Bravais lattices

  • When taken together, these give a possible 230 three-dimensional'space groups'; however, only 65 of these are found for crystals of naturally occurring macromolecules like proteins or nucleic acids; more specifically, those crystals that do not have either mirror or inversion symmetry

This additional symmetry tells us that there will probably be more than one copy of the molecule in the unit cell, which is information that can be helpful when figuring out the structure of the crystal. Additionally, this symmetry provides us with information that can be used to solve the problem., the reflections (h,k,l) and (–h, k, –l) for monoclinic crystals are equivalent to one another, whereas for triclinic crystals, this is not the case.

The process of obtaining the intensity information for the diffraction spots on the images is referred to as "extraction."

Search and discovery

Spots that are relatively close to one another will have comparable shapes on each image.

There are spots that are relatively strong, spots that are relatively medium, and spots that are relatively weak. Since only a sample of spots is required to index, an intensity cut-off can be applied to help avoid noise.

Locations with potential utility will be kept sufficiently far apart from one another to facilitate pinpoint accuracy.

Indexing (Indexing)

This procedure generates a three-dimensional index, as its name suggests, and it does so by assigning each reflection in the dataset a distinct value for each of the following indices: h, k, and l. These values are typically referred to as the "Miller indices."Accurate knowledge of the direct beam position on the detector, the distance from the crystal to the detector, and the wavelength of the radiation are all necessary for successful indexing; errors in any one of these factors are responsible for the majority of indexing failures at this stage in the processing.

The mosaicity is another piece of information that can be obtained at this point, and X-Ray Diffractometer pertains to the structure of the crystal on its own. Because of this, diffraction spots do not occur instantaneously for a single, precise orientation of a crystal; rather, they appear and disappear through a small range of orientations. This is the consequence of the previous point. crystals with mosaicities of approximately 0 or less.

Improvements to the parameters

Because measuring the intensity of the spots requires each to be accurately located on each image, all of the values for the crystal and diffractometer need to be optimized. Part of the reason indexing uses a number of approximations in its calculations is that the parameters it reports are also approximate.

Positional refinement and post-refinement are the two methods that are utilized in the process of refinement.

Positional refinement, depicted in Figure 1a, reduces as much as possible the disparity that exists between the observed and calculated positions of spots on the detector. This is a straightforward concept that is straightforward and easy to visualize.
