Found lost and near death in the ice cold mountains above Keldagrim, random item picker Grunsh was nearly mistaken for random item generator a troll at first.
Found lost and near death in the ice cold mountains above Keldagrim, Grunsh was nearly mistaken for a troll at first. Taken in by the Red Axe and nursed back to health, it turned out that he was in fact a powerful ogre shaman. Intelligent by ogre standards, and steadfastly loyal to his rescuers, he has taken up a prominent position in the ranks of the Red Axe. This is primarily due to the fact that since dwarves cannot use magic, they must rely on other races as spellcasters.
More often, the command word is some nonsensical word, or a word or phrase from an ancient language. Activating a command word magic item is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If Gourmand has no stored stomach item, holding Grab while standing still causes them to regurgitate a
random item picker item from the following list at the cost of 1 food pip.
These guidelines assume a setting with an average level of magic. Some cities might deviate wildly from these baselines, subject to GM discretion. The GM should keep a list of what items are available from each merchant and should replenish the stocks on occasion to represent new acquisitions. Magic items are valuable, and most major cities have at least one or two purveyors of magic items, from a simple potion merchant to a weapon smith that specializes in magic swords.
Magic items that take damage in excess of half their total hit points, but not more than their total hit points, gain the Broken condition, and might not function properly (see the Appendix). These are indicated by "Yes" in the "Grasp/Carry" column in the table below. If the use of the item takes time before a magical effect occurs, then use activation is a standard action. If the item’s activation is subsumed in its use and takes no extra time use, activation is not an action at all. This can be used as a
random item generator name Picker Wheel in an event where its behavior is like a digital prize wheel. It will decide 1 winner among the list of candidates’ names from a contest after spinning the wheel.
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Imagine that you are invited to play roulette with someone else’s money. You can keep your winnings but your losses are paid for you. You can never be sure of winning on any particular bet, but you know that if you played long enough you would win, sooner or later. Chances are you would play as often as possible despite the unpredictability of the game. You would play as often as you could, in order to increase your chance of winning.Using this model, it is possible to see what can be done about randomly connecting unrelated subjects in thinking.